The girl’s slippers 

When they told us the sex of the baby, I began to think about the supposed advantages of having a girl. And the first thing that came to my mind is that surely she had a quieter childhood… Then she would see herself. How wrong I was! We got a girl who can’t stand still for a second, who likes soccer, karate and climbing walls. You just have to look at the number of shoes that she ‘polishes’ a year. I think that those who design shoes for boys and girls make them with soles that wear out more easily […]

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The beauty of weaving 

I was messing around a bit on YouTube when I came up with the idea of ​​creating my own channel. It was not intended to be something professional, but on the contrary, a decoration channel for people like me, amateurs, but without enough time or preparation to do ‘great works’. In the videos I would try to show my own learning, sharing ideas and processes with other people like me. And the first content I uploaded was related to some curtains that I wanted to make myself. Of course it’s easier to buy them ready-made and just put them up, […]

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I’m tired of my tennis shoes being constantly untied, and it doesn’t matter if you tie the knots well or double knot because it seems that they are made of a material that slides well so that the knot unravels. A few years ago one of my friends gave me some tennis shoes that did not have laces, instead of the usual classic laces they had an elastic cord in each one that you could adjust to your size and I have to say that they have never come loose and they are some You are extremely comfortable as you […]

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Adapt to the market 

One of the great business challenges is always to adapt to the demands of the market, trying to anticipate their needs or, at least, not be left behind. This adaptation involves large investments in research and development and also means having enough waist to change models when they are sold out. In our firm specialized in the manufacture of laces, we are very aware that our clients point the way and that our task is to adapt to their needs. Investment, research and development. These are three concepts that define this process of permanent adaptation, because a company that wants […]

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Animate your children’s sneakers with fun colors

Children love color and dress with originality. One way to achieve this is by giving the most common garments a touch of their own personality. For example, in the case of the shoes they wear during the summer. Only with colored shoelaces can you change the look of the shoes and make them look more attractive.   Buy basic sneakers in the easiest shades to match your child’s clothing, and then multi-colored laces for a fun and original effect. For example, if your child is wearing white summer pants and a red T-shirt, he or she may wear basic white […]

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